Officer Gets 2 for 1

For Kona police officer Conrad Iranon, the call that came in proved to be a two-for-one.

On Oct. 26, Iranon made contact with a Royal Kona Resort security guard who had radioed in an open lewdness complaint. The male suspect, who had reportedly exposed himself, had traveled to an open unit at the Kona Reef Condominiums. As officers checked out the unit, the suspect fled on foot. Iranon caught and arrested the suspect who, it was later learned, also possessed stolen items such as jewelry, clothing and car keys.

Soon after the arrest, Iranon received a report of a burglary at the Royal Kona Resort. The guest’s missing items matched those recovered from the suspect.

The items were returned to the victims and the suspect was charged for two counts of burglary and one count of theft 4.

“It was more of a backward investigation,” said Iranon, who was awarded Officer of the Month by the Kona Crime Prevention Committee Wednesday at Huggo’s. “I had a person in custody; I needed to find out if there were crimes related. It was more stressful in that way because the time constraint was more urgent.”

The award and validation from the community drive Iranon to continue to be a proactive police officer.

“I believe that being visible in the community does help deter a lot of crimes. So it’s very motivating for me,” said Iranon.

The Kona Crime Prevention Committee encourages community involvement in aiding and supporting the Hawaii County Police Department, Kona District, in its efforts to prevent crime, deter potential criminals and enforce the law.

By Tianna Morimoto West Hawaii Today

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